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The sharp clean note of lavender is a popular ingredient of ancient medicines, recognized for its he..
As distinct as the lemon it owes to its creation. This distinctive tangy aroma leaves you as refresh..
Lemon grass is a panacea in itself with its intense fragrance of fresh lemon and grass. It has remai..
How pleasant can a scent get? With the purifying effect of tangy notes of lemon and with the spiritu..
Its sweet scent is all pervasive. The subtle hints are just delightful. Floral power of Lilac render..
This delicate scent with its subtle hints, gently sedates and soothes, bringing to mind the pristine..
An incense to celebrate the most wonderful emotion in the world, Love, the eternal. When this sensua..
A magic is wrought when this incense is lit, a relaxing atmosphere with a sweet, herbal fragrance fl..
In every way, invokes the colorful allure of the lively gypsies. The swinging notes of this fragranc..
Its heightened sweetness elevates you, taking you to another realm altogether. It is interesting to ..
One needs to connect with nature to understand its subtle message for our well-being. A Perfect harm..
The fragrance of this healing magical herb is blessed with protection and strength, to increase luck..
There is no other entity as sublime and magical as the moon. It has captivated people, stirring thei..
Among the most famous incenses of all-time, along with frankincense, both of which were gifted to th..
The sweet smell of the champa Flowers-coupled with the divine offering to lord Shiva make this incen..